Language Translations#


  • Transifex account (or GitHub one to log in with it)

  • Knowledge of English

  • Knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese


We are using Transifex to manage the language translations, which provides a translation infrastructure with Sphinx. Transifex is a global content repository with a REST API, SDKs, automation, and more so you can centrally manage your source content and translations and build amazing multilingual digital experiences for your users.


This translation is maintained by Spanish and Portuguese speakers from all around the globe. We don’t want to tie it to any region in particular and we believe this is an extra value of its own diversity. You will find sections in different styles and tones, we only ask not changing the style every paragraph nor using very specific regionalisms.

Language codes: we are using «es» and «pt» codes which are the general language codes and are not tied to any region.

The languages text is borrowed from: Python Documentation Guía para contribuir en la traducción.


  1. Create a Transifex account. Note: You can use your GitHub account to authenticate and log in to Transifex.

  2. Navigate to our project website: pymc/data-umbrella-sprints-website

  3. Click on «Editor» in the top menu which will bring you to a list of pages of the website to translate:

  4. In the top menu, choose «Select a language». Current options are:

    • Portuguese (pt)

    • Spanish (es)

  5. Pages to translate is a sub-menu under «Editor.» Currently, these pages are being prioritized for translation: priority pages

  6. You can translate sub-sections and select «Save translation.»


There is GitHub Actions that is configured on this repository, which turns a translation into a pull request which is submitted to the repository. PR #166 is an example pull request.

Translating content: volunteers needed#

If you would like to volunteer for translations, please select a page. We have included a list of priority pages to translate on Issue #99.

Thank you 🙌#

Thank you for your contributions and making this website accessible to more users.