(2022_07_media_kit)= # Social Media Kit ## Event Hashtag This is our official hashtag and can be used on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) :::{div} sd-text-center sd-fs-3 #DataUmbrellaPyMCSprint {material-sharp}`favorite;2em;sd-text-danger` ::: ## Social Media Accounts | Organization | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | Discourse | |----------------|----------|-----------|----------|-----------------|----------------| | Data Umbrella | [@DataUmbrella](https://twitter.com/DataUmbrella) | [dataumbrella](https://www.linkedin.com/company/dataumbrella/) | [data.umbrella.dei](https://www.facebook.com/data.umbrella.dei) | [@data.umbrella](https://www.instagram.com/data.umbrella/) | N/A | | PyMC | [@pymc_devs](https://twitter.com/pymc_devs) | [pymc](https://www.linkedin.com/company/pymc/mycompany/) | N/A | N/A | [discourse.pymc.io](https://discourse.pymc.io) ## Share Our Events Our event series can be shared in one or more of the following ways: - Event website: https://pymc-data-umbrella.xyz/en/latest/ - Event registration form: https://tinyurl.com/du-pymc-os-ws - Tweet: https://twitter.com/DataUmbrella/status/1538875289652142080 - LinkedIn post: [https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6944647561630662656/](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6944647561630662656/) - Social media card: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pymc-devs/pymc-data-umbrella/main/_static/banner_2022_07/2022_07_banner_1280×640px.png - Meetup event: can share links or cross-post the event with your Meetup group | Event | Date | Time | Duration | MeetUp | |-------------------------------|------------------|---------|----------|--------| | Pre-series Office Hours | Jul 2 (Saturday) | 13 UTC | 1 hour | [MeetUp](https://www.meetup.com/data-umbrella/events/286552154/) | | Working Session #1 | Jul 9 (Saturday) | 13 UTC | 3 hours | [MeetUp](https://www.meetup.com/data-umbrella/events/286552452/) | | Working Session #2 | Jul 22 (Friday) | 16 UTC | 3 hours | [MeetUp](https://www.meetup.com/data-umbrella/events/286628677/) | | Working Session #3 | Aug 4/5 (Th/Fr) | 23 UTC | 3 hours | [MeetUp](https://www.meetup.com/data-umbrella/events/286628723/) | | Post-series Office Hours [^1] | Aug 18 (Sat) | 23 UTC | 1 hour | [MeetUp](https://www.meetup.com/data-umbrella/events/286628791/) | - Email copy (button to copy all text available at the top right of the code block) ```none We [insert org name] are excited to share that we are a Community Partner with Data Umbrella for their upcoming open source working sessions with the Python library PyMC. PyMC is an open-source probabilistic programming language in Python. This is a beginner-friendly event. Skills that are helpful to have: Git, GitHub, Markdown, Sphinx, statistics, python, Bayesian statistics. Additionally, we have a series of videos where participants can watch videos and add timestamps. There are lots of ways to participate and contribute to open source. More information on joining the event: a) Schedule of events: https://pymc-data-umbrella.xyz/en/latest/2022-07_sprint/schedule.html b) Complete this registration form: https://tinyurl.com/du-pymc-os-ws ``` ### Channels to Share - Communication servers: Slack, Discord - Social media: Facebook, Instagram - Mobile communities: WhatsApp, Telegram - Newsletters ## Logos - Data Umbrella: [Brand and Logo](https://github.com/data-umbrella/info) - PyMC Devs: [Brand & Logo](https://github.com/pymc-devs/brand) --- **Acknowledgement** We would like to thank [Pollicy](https://pollicy.org) for sharing their [DataFest Africa](https://datafest.africa) media kit as a resource to the community.